Water. Grain. Courage. These things have always moved us and what we now call Amolaris. Because here in Val Venosta, which you may also know as the “granary of Tyrol”, we have always grown more than just the raw ingredients for our daily bread. This corner of South Tyrol is also a great breeding ground for fresh ideas. Where today our exclusive wellness lodges impress with their simple elegance, once stood an old mill. You can learn more about us and the reasons why this mill is still in operation on this website.
A place filled with stories. A place for reveries.
The driving force of an entire region
Rye, barley, wheat: Farmers from all across the area gathered at the Schanzenhof to grind their grain into flour. Bread was also baked here. Old documents still exist where you can read all about it. A terrible fire broke out when the Schanzenhof was still known as the “Obermühle zu Schanzen”. The only things to survive were the foundation walls and the old millstones.
The name derives from the mill
We do not revere the ashes. Yet we’re more than willing to keep the flame alive. Here at Amolaris, tradition is recognised as a tribute to the past. Always associated with the bravery to try something new. So, we have exchanged the old Italian word “Mola” for millstone into “Amolaris”. As a reminder of our beginnings. In our lodges and suites, you may also find a few nods to the past of grain farming and the bakery industry if you look closely.
Grandma Rosa and Grandad Adolf
Home is more than just a place. It is a feeling. Grandpa Adolf and Grandma Rosa brought visitors from all over the world to the picturesque village of Coldrano with their B&B in the 1970s, and they are two very special people who we greatly miss. They had an innovative spirit and courage that still touches us today. The best place to feel their presence is in our “Garden House”. Grandpa Adolf built it with affection and it now serves as a time machine and a place where people come together. The old mill from the Pulthof – Grandma Rosa’s old home – adds a little more nostalgia to the place.
Stay grounded and reach for the stars
It takes time to make something truly good. To grow. To mature. That is the blueprint we followed when we created our Amolaris. Wally and Martin have been running this place since 1986. They have invested a great deal of intuition, care and passion into slowly but surely creating an exclusive retreat for special people like you. The Amolaris has existed in its current form since 2020.
Wally: The garden fairy with a big heart
If we were to take our Wally’s garden away from her, we are sure she would wither right away. Wally is incredibly rooted in nature and needs plants like she needs air to breathe. Our breakfast crates, which Wally meticulously and lovingly prepares for you each morning, also reflect this love.
Martin: The organic gardener with a golden touch
Nothing is impossible! Wally’s better half is Martin. He’s a real can-do man and a Jack of all trades. A retired teacher with a weakness for numbers, he is also passionate about organic farming. Anyone who asks nicely is welcome to join him as he goes about his work.
Katharina: The happy-go-lucky bringer of happiness
Katharina, the Amolaris manager and junior boss, is a typical Val Venosta woman: sincere, forthright, and kind. Our Katharina is only satisfied when all her guests are happy. Her energy and drive are simply contagious!
Stella: A ray of sunshine with a penchant for fluffy things
She has definitely inherited her cheerful, positive nature from her mum Katharina: Stella is our little ray of sunshine. She has taken many a guest’s heart by storm with her outgoing, cheerful personality. Cuddly dogs and exciting books make our little sunshine go weak at the knees.